Locations of Note

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The Blasted Ruins

A major city and center of learning during The Age of The Aciri who’s name has been lost to time, this was the location of an ill conceived attempt by the arrogant and overconfident Aciri sorcerers to capture and study the mysterious Black Monolith, resulting in the city’s annihilation, leaving only shattered, pitted and, in many places, melted ruins where the great metropolis once stood.

The ruins are largely avoided by all except the most foolhardy or insane of arcane scholars, or those unfortunate enough to stumble across them. It is said that the dust of the streets is still nothing but ash, the tortured shadows of the dying are seared into the very structures of the shattered remains of walls and pillars, and the very winds whisper of madness and death to those foolish enough to remain for long. It is even said that those who dared to spend an evening within the ruins emerged raving madly that screams of terror and insanity could be heard dimly echoing from beneath the very earth itself.

The Wretched Valley

The valley stretching to the south and west of The Blasted Ruins. What should be the largest, and one of the few, open and fertile valleys within Morgulia is, instead, a blasted waste of desolate ash studded with the occasional stump of some long petrified tree, where the waters flow in bitter and undrinkable streams, nothing grows, and no animals will dare to tread. It is believed by the few most learned of scholars that have heard whispers of the dim legend that the valley bore the full displeasure of The Black Monolith after it had destroyed the city now known only as The Blasted Ruins. Those few who have dared to cut through its outer edges swear that screams and horrific chanting can be heard dimly as though carried by a nonexistent wind.