Dobrinian Orders

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Named for the legendary Bogatir, Dobrin, the Dobrinian Oath requires its members to protect and ensure the well being of humanity in general and the peasantry in particular. To this end, they often take up the medicinal arts, as well as serving as unofficial “Road Wardens”, and have even been known to champion a peasant’s case before an angry boyar. Needless to say, this activity does not make them popular with the nobility, though they dare not move directly against the Dobrinians. Among the peasantry, however, they are virtual folk heroes and beloved far more than any other Bogatir Order.

Expanded Material

There is rarely any hope among the peasantry and so they attempt to stave off complete despair with strong drink and tales of stalwart heroes. More often than not, these tales revolve around the Oathsworn of the Dobrinian Order. Named for the oldest of such legendary heroes, the bogatir Dobrin who fearlessly slew a gigantic beast that had been rampaging through a series of villages, the Dobrinian Order recruit only the most courageous or, ironically, those who have lost all purpose in life and swear them to binding oaths to defend humanity in general, and the peasantry in particular, against all threats. This seemingly noble oath is pursued without concern for their own well being or, for that matter, concern for the consequences that their actions might incur or even whether the recipient of their aid even wishes for it. Moreover, despite what the general peasantry think, the majority of Dobrinians do not actually care about them in the least. Rather they take the actions that they do purely as devotion to their oaths, and many are shocked to find that they are coldly rebuffed by the uncaring bogatir when they attempt to show friendly gratitude to them, though the Dobrinians will typically still take their offerings. Nonetheless, the heroic tales are still still told and songs still sung to drive away the creeping despair even if only for an hour or so.

Many of the Order wander the land searching for troubles, while others patrol the various roads, paths, and trails as unofficial road wardens and their activities have made them particularly hated by the various Bandit gangs and the Boyar nobility of Morgulia. However, the banditry are rarely courageous enough to attack them openly and the Boyars fear the possibility of a mass uprising of their vassals should they openly move to suppress the popular Order and so both strike only where they may against individuals and the Dobrinians continue to thrive despite their hatred. Still, not all the peasantry bear love for the Dobrinians as their actions often lead to horrible repercussions once the bogatir leave upon dealing with the immediate threat. Moreover, since The Night of The Black Star, monsters and undead have infested the land in ever greater numbers meaning that the Orders numbers slowly dwindle due to attrition facing foes in numbers rarely seen in times past and with little or no outside aid.

Still the Bogatir of The Dobrinian Order follow their oaths, at least as they see them, wherever and whenever they will unconcerned by they consequences to themselves or others as, for them, what else is there? What higher calling than to fulfill one’s oaths? None. None at all even to the last ragged breath of the cursed land itself.


So what makes Dobrinian Order different from the other Oathsworn from a game standpoint? The Dobrinians place their duty to humanity above any petty ideological or class differences and so count all Human Mercenaries and all other Allied Human warbands as Trusted Allies regardless of alignment. Moreover, Dobrinian warriors are known as among the most stalwart of warriors so their warriors gain a +1 die bonus to all Panic tests and their warbands have a +1 bonus on all Break tests.

Dobrinian Order warbands also have access to Abilities and Spells that enhance their protective traits. The Oath of Dobrinian Support adds +d3″ to any move that the warrior makes as the result of a Guard action and their Juracanta have access to the spell “Sacred Rebuke” which dispels any enemy spells targeting them.