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Cursed Lands Morgulia rulebook cover

Cursed Lands: Morgulia is a miniature agnostic horror skirmish game in which players control warbands seeking to amass wealth, renown, or power at the expense of their rivals while staving off the inevitable corruption that comes with success in a harsh world thrown into the grips of even greater chaos and horror after the passing of a strange black comet...

Designed to be played on a 3'x3' table or board using 28-32mm miniatures, most games should last anywhere from 30-90 minutes for two players, but can be played with as many as nine players at a time!



I detailed timeline of the history of the region.


Places of interest and locations of note found throughout Morgulia.

Creatures of Legend

People, flora, fauna, and things in the night lurking in Morgulia.

Local Lexicon

Coming Soon a list of Morgulian words and their meaning.


Forces of Humanity

Following the Radpuranza Wars, the strength of the courts of night was severely depleted and Morgulis’s vampire lords were forced to delegate the vast majority of the responsibility of overseeing their lands to their human servants. At first, they preserved the old order faithfully but, in time, as the vampiric nobility faded into a brooding distance, a new order emerged with human nobility ruling the majority of the pleasantry and the most fertile of the hills and farmlands. Now, as the shadows stalk the forests and hills once more, many groups find themselves in open conflict in the haunted nights.

Hordes of the Undead

Morgulia has always been a cursed and haunted land in which the dead rarely rest easily. Indeed, it could well be said that the lands rightfully belong to the wandering dead and that it is the living who run counter to its natural order. With the passing of The Black Star, the dead have woken and become alive once more. stalking the night and empty places, searching for victims with which to sate their hunger and grow their number once more.

Other Forces

While it may be true that the various forces of humanity and the undead are the most prominent groups vying for power in the dark peaks and valleys of Morgulia, there are, nonetheless, other groups of less acknowledged but no less potent power that have begin to play a greater role in shaping the destiny of Morgulia since the passing of The Black Star. Some have Abandoned their humanity altogether, while others never were so.